
Projects and fields of activity in the past years.

GeoCom Contract management (2008-2009)
Development of a workflow capable application for the management of contracts and contract documents.

GeoCom Wiki (2007)
Development of a Notes based wiki, including a web browser interface.

"Workflow Application"
Development of a configurable workflow application. Fields of use include (among others): Auditing, accounting of travelling expenses etc.

"SemConnect" (2006)
Connection of a Notes based tool for seminar management and an Oracle based accounting system.

"NotesPort" (2006)
Portation of a Notes-DB2 connection to Oracle.

"MediaArchive" (2005-2006)
Development of a user capable system for media archiving. The system can be operated via web browser interface and can be synchronized with different customer systems.

GeoCom webHelpdesk (2005-2006)
The application GeoCom Helpdesk has been extended by a web browser interface.

"Counseling05" (2005-2006)
Expert monitoring on a bid invitation IT project. Process analysis, bidding, evaluation.

"Customer Analysis" (2005-2006)
Based on Lotus Script, a tool for development monitoring and rating of customers has been realised. The tool can be synchronized with the reporting system.

"Traders Information System" (2004-2006)
Planning and development of a traders information system. Sources: ERP, registration data, KBA data, geo data

"Billing and Accounting" (2004-2006)
Development of a tool for analysis and processing of billing/accounting data, e.g. fuel data billing or billing of German Telekom data.

GeoCom Electronic Delivery (since 2004)
The application GeoCom Electronic Delivery is designed for shared usage of journal subscriptions.

"Reporting" (2003-2006)
The project "Reporting" adopts accounting data from a system at runtime. All data is accumulated and can be displayed in a Lotus Notes application regarding certain rules, which can be arbitrarily configured.

"Renting System" (2002)
This Lotus Domino application enables the implementation of a web based renting system.

"Z39.50 module" (2002)
This module is based on the protocol Z39.50 and serves as an interface between Lotus Domino databases and other databases and applications.

Homepage Mobau (2002)
On basis of Lotus Domino a content management system has been realized and integrated into the homepage.

GeoCom EAPI (2000)
GeoCom EAPI is an application designed for registration of working times and efforts regarding specific projects.

GeoCom MIS (1999)
GeoCom MIS is a management information system for energy providers.

GeoCom Helpdesk (since 1997)
GeoCom Helpdesk is a support system that irrespective of type of business helps you to solve problems that may arise in enterprises with close customer relationships. An information pool with pending queries, work flow for escalation and direct access to knowledge-bases ensures a quick solution for a problem respecting customer specific time limits. As a result of this, customer relationships can easily be enhanced.

GeoCom Customer & Contacts (since 1997)
GeoCom Customer & Contacts systematically gathers information about activities of a company and provides all archived data in a structured information pool.

GeoCom Library (since 1997)
GeoCom Library is a library management program used to systematically administer book and journal stocks.